


BestWeb.LK Voting

The voting system will be active, allowing applicants to cast their votes for the most popular website across all categories as specified in the timeframe. We utilize an automated system, where votes will be electronically calculated, providing an efficient means to determine the Most Popular Website of the respective year.

The voting system assesses each website based on the number of legitimate votes received within a specific period. However, this year’s winners will be determined by their adherence to specific voting criteria, the details of which will be communicated shortly.

How it Works

  • A Voting Logo will be provided to the initially screened and evaluated participants, facilitating their inclusion in the voting process.
  • It is a mandatory requirement that the Voting Logo is enabled and prominently displayed on the participant’s site throughout the competition for continued eligibility.
  • The corresponding voting link is internally connected with the voting system and linked to the participant’s home page.
  • All evaluations will be conducted based on respective categories, ensuring a fair assessment.
  • Throughout the voting period, the BestWeb.LK Technical Team will actively monitor the participating sites using an automated system within the specified Time Frame. This meticulous monitoring aims to determine the Most Popular award winners in each category.

Promotional Activities

Participants are encouraged to engage in promotional activities to enhance the visibility of their websites, including placing banners on other websites that run ads or conduct marketing activities during the voting period.

  1. Participants are allowed to utilize acceptable, legitimate, and ethical methods to promote their websites. However, it is strictly prohibited to “buy” votes through any means or employ bots, “fake accounts,” or enable one person to vote more than once.
  2. Participants have the option to promote the BestWeb.LK website on their respective social media platforms and/or through other marketing activities, employing acceptable, legitimate, and ethical methods as needed during the voting period.

Past Winners